Tuesday 11 June 2013

Garden party decor.

I have been losing hours of my life to Pinterest since announcing the Garden Party. I believe I called Pinterest a "life depleting vampire" tonight as I trolled the city looking for empty discarded mason jars. 

All I can say is, this party is going to be off the hook, and my mason jar light thingys are going to be so pretty! :-)

Crap in a box...
hopefully what my finished product will look like.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Engagement Photo Bonanza

What a weekend! Seriously - what. a. weekend.

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to shoot alongside a phenomenal photographer and friend of mine, T.J. Durnan see his work here: (http://www.tjdurnan.com). We photographed an amazing couple who's wedding took place a little further from home than I'm used to, aside from destinations, that is...  Starting in Markham and finishing at a beauty of a Vineyard in NewMarket, On. The bride and groom were just fantastic, the venue was a picture out of Tuscany, and I had the privilege of shooting their kick-butt wedding party as we roamed the grounds and explored. We had an excellent time. After a 14 hour day, door-to-door, I tucked myself in. Lights out Tony.

Today was equally a big day - 2 of our gorgeous and pretty loveable brides and their handsome men had their big engagement sessions scheduled in. I started off meeting up with Sara and Brent. This is Sara, this is Brent.

We met up at one of the most unlikely locations I have ever heard of. I was given an intersection as an address and a appliance store as a landmark. As it stands, Brent and Sara have an interesting story together, so why should their shoot be regular. These two are anything but regular anyway - their spirit is captivating, her laugh will just make you feel happy inside and he has this hollywood- young actor, suave, coolness about him. (enter run-on-sentance.)

I was thrilled with our shoot together. Here are a few tidbits.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Wedding Dreams Creative Shoot...

It was an exciting day. John and I were off to Guelph Arboretum to photograph a creative shoot for Wedding Dreams Magazine, (now Wedding Trends Magazine).

An amazing amount of hard work went into the project, creative direction, planning, organizing, nerves about weather - but only to produce an amazing result. Romance, love, adoration positively vibrated from the FABULOUS Gemini Models, Nicole & Billy : http://www.geminimodels.com. They were so on cue, so professional and nothing less than a gift to work with. The decor was provided by the incomparable Special Events & Flowers. Check them out here: http://www.specialeventsandflowers.com

Here are a few samples from the shoot that day. It turned into a gorgeous 3 page spread in the magazine, along with countless splashes throughout the issue. I have such love for the photos, I hope you enjoy!

I'm always curious to hear your thoughts and feedback! Drop me a line and let me know what you think! :-D

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Engagement snapshots and such.

As you visit the blog more often, you'll notice one of my favourite sayings is, "...and such". It's beyond me where that even came from.

Anyhoo, on Sunday Mother Nature permitted me to photograph Valerie and Ryan. Some pretty cool cats in my book. :-) They were fond of a nature setting so we hit up a conservation are in the region and  things progressed from there.

the "non-Sears models", doin' it right. ;-)

While we walked through this considerably sized conservation area, I realized quickly that while navigation is not my forte, there was a good chance we may not be found if darkness came. I swiftly lead us to a clear pathed area so airplanes could find us if things took a turn for the worse. lol

Of course they did not, and we made our way back to civilization only to hit up two nifty areas nearby that I have been drooling and waiting for the opportunity to photograph.

One thing I love about the engagement session process is learning how we will all work together and finding a 'flow' so to speak. It's a nice run prelude to what the wedding day creative photos might be similar to, and I always encourage my couples to take stock of the feel, or vibe of the engagement shoot and try to channel that on their wedding day, so as to fall into the creative process of being photographed much easier.

Thanks Val & Ryan for a terrific shoot. :-)

Welcome to the Blog portion of Herakovic Photography!

Finally a place to rant and rave about all things wedding, photography, whats keeping us busy these days from shoots, to consultations, wedding vendor chit-chat and a place for me to go when I have had too much coffee. :-)

So this is it - the official Studio HRKVC, (Herakovic Photography) Blog-spot. Welcome! I hope that you'll visit often, that I can draw you into the passion we have for what we do and the amazing people we get to do it alongside. 

You might have guessed that wedding photography keeps things hopping over here for the better part of the year. Back in the day, we used to look forward to enjoying some winter-tude down time. But alas, as seasons gone by, we have continued to grow, evolve and become bigger and better at what we love to do. And that is capturing real-life moments in time, proof that a moment in history existed, was true. 

Aside from Wedding photography, there are a multitude of nifty things that keep me passionate and inspired. again, thank goodness I have a Blog to come spill my guts too, because Handsome Sash and John can only take so much!!

A formal introduction, a snapshot of the 3 of us, 2 of whom founded Herakovic Photography and the 3rd who is just the nicest cherry-on-top, John. 

I will keep this post nice and short, mainly because I want you to come back and check up on us again, but also because I'm dying to chat about all the engagement session I've been doing lately! Here is a little non-related gem from a quick shoot on Monday night...